About the Alabama Correctional Employee Support Fund

The principal purposes of the Alabama Correctional Employee Support Fund, Inc. is to provide financial support and assistance to persons employed by the Alabama Department of Corrections and members of such persons’ families who are needy, ill or distressed because of disaster, hardship, or other circumstances.

The ACESF also provides educational scholarship opportunities to persons employed by the ADOC and members of such persons’ families based on need and/or merit.

The ACESF conducts fund raising events to raise monies for use in the performance of the Corporation’s principal purposes. The annual ACESF Golf Tournament is our primary statewide fund raising event, with additional fund raisers held at the individual correctional facilities.  The facility events have included: the sale of Boston Butts, a fish fry, Hallowiener luncheon, Dove hunt, snack sales, coffee mug sales, golf tournament, BBQ plate sales, deli sandwiches, and handcrafted wooden footballs.  Since 2004, the ACESF has given almost $100,000 back to employees in need.

All proceeds will support ADOC employees through an application and needs validation process to be approved by a committee of the ACESF. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for your support and participation.

Alabama Correctional Employee Support Fund
c/o Glen Casey, ADOC Research & Planning
PO BOX 2469
Montgomery, AL 36102-2469
Phone:   334-353-9504
Fax:  334-353-9740